Yamanashi Kodomo Net

6.Procedures during times of sickness and natural disasters in nursery schools and kindergartens

When a child is sick, they will not be allowed to attend school for the duration of their sickness. Even if your child was fine in the morning, if he or she starts having a fever during the school day, the school will contact you to pick up your child from the school. If your child contracts the flu, chicken-pox or other contagious viruses, your child will be required to see a doctor and will not be allowed to attend school for a specified period of time. Until your child receives permission from the doctor, he or she will be unable to attend school. If you are unable to take time off from work to take care of your child for the duration of their sickness, then you will be allowed to leave your child at a special medical facility (called “byouji-byougojihoikushisetsu” in Japanese). Please refer to the link below for additional information regarding this special medical facility in Yamanashi prefecture.


This special facility is usually located in pediatric hospitals, where doctors, nurses, childcare workers, and nutritionists will attend to your child’s needs. These facilities are usually open from around 8:30AM until 5PM. Sometimes they will even stay open until 8PM. If your child was diagnosed with a sickness from a doctor outside of the medical facility, then you will be required to bring documentation from the original examining doctor to prove their diagnosis. Please ask the school principal for information about these facilities, as the facility your child will go to will depend on where you live. You will be required to make an appointment at the medical facility, so please call your designated facility prior to taking your child there. The fee is approximately 2,500 yen per day. The 2,500 yen covers all day-care and lunch fees.

During times of natural disasters (fires, earthquakes, floods, etc.), if the school is damaged during the disaster, or if the school is unable to provide transportation due to hazardous road conditions, then the school will attempt to contact parents to pick their children up. If the school contacts you, then you must go to pick up your child immediately. In the event that such a disaster occurs, the school will send out a mass e-mail/instant message to all parents. During the school entrance ceremony, the school will require you to register your phone e-mail address or any other contact information that they can use to get a hold of you during times of emergency.
